Its easter holidays which can only mean one thing! Senior and family portrait sessions are happening at the studio and in and around the grounds. Check out these two handsome fellas who I photographed on Wednesday. Harrison (13) and Riley (10) both rocking it like they are Americas next top male models!! Just love them!!
“To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge”- Socrates Recently I have been getting asked a lot where I get my knowledge, why do I go on courses even though I am where I am professionally and so on and so on. I have always been taught […]
About 2/3 weeks ago I got to go up to one of my happy places, Aspire Photography Training to take part in the very first session of the Fine Art Portrait course taught by Kay Young Photography. I love attending courses around 2 to 3 times a year. I do it to keep me fresh, keep my mind […]