March 28, 2015
I have started offering Treasure Sessions. Very similar to Trash the Dress but you don’t ‘Trash’ your dress you ‘Treasure’ it.
The weather isn’t always on our side when shooting the portraits on a wedding day so when the heavens open, rather then stress about it we capture what we can indoors and then we can do a separate afternoon where you recreate your hair and make up, pop on your dress and we can go to the beach, a wood or even back to where you tied the knot and create some more stunning couple and bridal portraits to go into your album.
They are great as we can be more adventurous, creative and not worry about time and how long you are away from your guests.
Here are Emma and Marks images from their ‘Treasure’ session a few weeks ago at Thornton Manor in the Wirral. They tied the knot on December 4th 2014,. It was a lovely day but it was rather cold and sadly we had to time the weather as it was spitting. We got some fantastic pre-meal and evening shots with fairy lights and sparklers but a few more during the daytime when it was a bit warmer and Emma could take off her fur stole just added to their final collection of images. Oh and Mark forgot to open his Groom present which was hidden in his sock draw so they saved it for this shoot so I could capture it for them….how sweet (pun intended) is that!!!